Mar 24, 2008 23:15
or "Huh": A play in ten and a half acts.
1. It's a small world after all. Like... really.
2. I hate people
3. I really hate people
4. Somehow, eating only salad, I've gained 5 pounds in the past two weeks.
5. In a shit singularity, between the shit there is only more shit. For an example, see the google servers. (Credit to Emanuel and CJ for that)
6. Octoraptors(half octopi/half raptor chimerae) are the most dangerous creatures ever imagined
7. to bees. Who will kill us all. By not existing. Talk about passive aggressive.
7a. No, really. Bees are terrifying. There is no ASL sign for bees because you cannot communicate pure unadulterated fear through hand motions.(this is a lie)
6a. As a corollary to 7, since octoraptors contain flaming bees, there is nothing more frightening than octoraptors.
8. CJ, Emanuel, Poncho, Marcos, and Alice are awesome. Really.
9. No, you don't understand. I really hate people.
10. Any place where someone exclaims "Jesus shit, I must ponder this..." in the middle of a meal while reading Walter Benjamin is a good place to be. Except the fact that it will kill your soul and turn it into steel. But that is a small price to pay.