Feb 20, 2009 13:54
my, it has been A-WHILE!
it's been great being back home (in NYC) for the last month and a half. my short (but still too long) visit to indy was awesome and as you know, i moved in with chris and his roommate moved out, taking ALL the furniture with her (which was more than welcome, it was a piecemeal collection of hand-me-downs from her family), so we have spent most of february back and forth to IKEA and wal-mart in jersey, decorating and buying everything from spatulas to bath rugs to a new television.
SO much fun. and SO much money.
but it's okay. i'm really happy with how everything is shaping up. the bathroom is done in what i call a "festival of greens and blues" (water), the living room is done in various browns, accented by rich blue (earth), and the kitchen is red (sun... which is a point of humorous contention because christopher says that the sun is actually orange. i told him that i've always wanted a RED kitchen and the sun could be perceived as red as well...)
so it's looking good. we didn't do too much with the bedroom (some new dressers and night stands) or the SPARE BEDROOM (YES! we have a spare room! serves as an office/storage/guest room) because they aren't spaces for entertaining and we haven't decided whether or not we will be staying once the lease is up in november. target date for completed decoration and presentation? march 14th: our housewarming party.
i'm sure that was all of little to no interest to you, but i thought i'd share anyway.
OH! i got a new day job. well, not really a new job--i'm still a nanny, but i am now working for a new family on the upper east side. a sweet two year old named hadley. VERY sensible family and she's really cute and great. i'd say she's happy 85% of the time, but when she's UNHAPPY? she's REALLY unhappy. inconsolable public wailing ensues. we're definitely working on that, because that is certainly NOT how i roll.
i finally got back to auditioning yesterday. it went well, which i'm happy for because i was feeling a bit of trepidation about going back in front of the firing squads that are casting tables--i hadn't auditioned in well over a year. given the global economic situation, which has very apparently trickled down to the theater world, i have more or less accepted the IDEA (however, not a surrender buy any means) that i may not work for the first summer since i moved to new york. i'll be around for pride for the first time in a long time, i can travel, get a share on fire island. since there are WAY less jobs available (at least four major regional theaters have closed in the last two months) with the same amount of unemployed actors (probably MORE), auditions have been ZOOS. i feel fortunate to have a survival job because things are in some ways even WORSE in that area, with restaurants closing all over the city. if it's true that NYC is one of the LEAST affected areas of the country, i can only imagine what middle america is looking like right now.
well, that's all for now. i've been putting off this "catching up" post, but now i feel like i can just drop in more regularly again with musings and observations.
happy friday!