Jul 26, 2008 13:31
last night was incredibly... no by far was the most aggravating night possible.
the night before i had cleared off some carts that had excess merchandise in them
from the skincare reset that i had started a couple of days ago and had been
continuously worked on by several other people during the day so that it could
get done quickly. well instead of working on it the night before i worked on the
promo aisle since mr m. said we were getting our christmas bulk literally in about
a week from now. anyhow while i was clearing off those carts i came across a ton of
merchandise that was to be discontinued i cleared off a part of the cosmetics table
and placed all the merchandise that we had three or more of on there displayed with
their appropriate markdown tags, the rest that we only had two or less of i took to
the 1506 bin with the intention of damaging it out so as not to waste space that could
be used to market/sale some other item. of course to make sure that no one would
see this and return this merchandise to the floor i grabbed a sharpie and put big
x's all over the product so that everyone would know that it was to be damaged out.
well ms j. in her infinite... wisdom for lack of a better nicer way of saying it. came
across this stuff and pulled it out and started raising all kinds of dumb about it.
fast forward to last night when i came into work. now you have to understand that when
ms j. and i talk it is a mixture of hollering and yelling but not in the sense that
we are actually angry with eachother. it's just the way we talk since she operates with
the undertone of being extremely excitable. so as she was questioning/yelling at me the
way she talks to me the retarded chihuahua was in the office banking out and closing the
evening overheard us and decided that it did indeed sound like she was reprimanding me
so he of course feeling the need to be involved in everything had to get his two cents
in and started railroading me towards what turned out to be a semi confrontation of
words between the two of us. basically he kept egging me on and push came to shove
i let his retarded ass get the best of me and i cussed him out, he reciprocated and ms
j. stepped between us for some reason i don't know why though i asked her later and she
said even though i was paying the retarded chihuahua no attention that it had escalated to
the point that she said she felt the need to get between us because captain kangaroo
had continually edged closer to me. in any event after i started cussing him out he
immediately proceeded to try and send me home to which i told him he was nothing to
me and regardless of what he said i wasn't going to go anywhere. he proceeded to tell
me that i was no one of importance either and then had the audacity to call mr m.
needless to say i spent the night semi worried at what the outcome was going to be
in the morning since the person who's opinion actually mattered was going to be. when
mr m. came in i basically told him the truth as perceived by me from my point of
view without embellishing the story. he basically told me that when the retarded chihuahua
called him last night he told him to "stop escalating" the situation and basically
shut up. he did tell me that i was going to apologize to him but unlike the high road
that i should be taking i told him that i would as long as he apologized first since
he was the one who instigated the entire situation since he had no reason to get involved
to begin with. then again for the most part there never is a reason for her to get
involved with most of the stuff that he gets involved with.
ms j. said that i needed to just steer clear of him and make sure that i don't get into
a situation the way i was that would entail the loss of my job. in all honesty i should
have gotten fired for what happened last night but i guess some things are stranger than
we think they are...
on a side note ms j. said something to me that really did strike a chord.
"if someone is spending so much of their time on you, obviously you must be
important." since he seems to go out of his way to annoy me.