Jun 24, 2008 16:33
i know i am not always the most patient person or
even the most effective at conveying how i feel
but god damnit if daniel isn't sometimes the most
inconsiderate most obtuse person in the world.
i guess it just boils down to inexperience in
the relationship department. i still don't understand
how someone who has so much of everything can be so
disconnected from the world and most of
the things that are happening around you. i know i
just have to wait for his brain to someday kick out
of the me me me video game mentality and catch up
to the real world. it's absurd how strongly i feel
about him to the point where i smile just thinking
about it. i just wish it was easier to relate to
the things he deems interesting. i'm just not overly
concerned with video games and things that are
suitable targets of interests to most people slightly
over puberty....
it's been 7 months now and we're still going though
we have had times where we have hit snags and it has
been touch and go when i never expected it to be but
i have to constantly remind myself that he is not me
and i am not him. i guess it's what makes us mesh so
well. he has his ways... his hypnotic means to calm
and subdue me or even unravel my thoughts to make me
do what he wants. it drives me crazy how he basically
has me on a string attached to his pinky and yet for
some reason as much as it annoys me i can only grin
and chuckle about the way i feel about him when he does
this to me..
matters of the heart can be fickle or they can be
the most interesting most life satisfying experiences
sometimes it's better to just shut up and listen for