Title: It's Never Late for the Truth
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing/Characters: Stiles Stilinski
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: What kind of son did that make him? A horrible one for sure. He didn’t want to be that son.
Warnings: Angst, Retrospective, Drabble
Disclaimer: Teen Wolf and all its characters belong to their respectful owners, this fic is written for entertainment only and I don't make any profit of it.
A/N: Inspired by
this amazing video.
He was on the verge of breaking and he knew that. He realized he wouldn’t be able to continue hiding the truth from his father for long. And he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to deceive his old man anymore because it was not fair. It was not fucking fair of him to continue abusing his trust and just pay him back with bullshit and lies. What kind of son did that make him? A horrible one for sure. He didn’t want to be that son.
With his mind made up, Stiles grabbed his phone and dialed Scott’s number.