Last time, Sanjay and Priya had a loving and playful relationship. They got seconday aspirations of Fortune and Romance respectively. Sanjay longed for a baby, while Priya wanted to party and had two miscarriages.
Priya Ramaswami, Popularity/Romance, LTW Rock God
Sanjay Ramaswami, Popularity/Fortune, LTW Media Magnate
Sanjay wants a baby and Priya wants to woohoo three sims. She is caught cheating - with who, by whom?!
”Kuno,I’m sorry! OMG, you’re hot!”
Priya meets some new sims online
Sanjay wants to be promoted and wishes for the skill points to get there.
Priya wants to woohoo three sims. Gert is really hot, but they are not in love, so there won’t be any at this time.
Instead she organizes a party
Sanjay wants to go on a vacation. He travels alone.
He signs up for a tour
But unfortunately the guide leaves the group at the bazaar, and when Sanjay is finally back from the tour he’s too hungry to sleep and too tired to wait for a meal at the fancy restaurant at his hotel.
Finally he sleeps a short while and leaves for a fastfood place so that he gets the food before fainting again.
By the end of the vacation Sanjay wants both to be promoted and quit his job.
He gets some perks after arriving home
And the lingering wish is to quit his job.
Priya welcomes him home with the news that she might be pregnant
After an evening with home dates, it is confirmed that Priya is pregnant. Since InTeen is not installed on this machine anymore, we don’t need to worry about any miscarriages.
Skilling! Not that it’s needed now when Sanjay doesn’t have a job anymore.
Sanjay and Priya have a tight relationship
And here’s baby Sanjay, born on Thursday week 3.
Priya is back to meeting new people online
The couple also continues to date each other.
Parties are had
But this time the party goes out of hand, when Priya’s secondary Romance is strong and she makes out with Kuno, who was upset with her in the beginning of the week. Now it’s Sanjay that is upset!
”So, Kuno, since he’s already angry, let’s make the most of it!”
When Kuno falls asleep, Priya gets to know the bartender a little bit more.
Then she apologizes to Sanjay, but he’s not ready to forgive yet
Instead he gets to become friends with the bartender, who is named Svante.
Little Sanjay is grown up to toddler and has wishes of his own.
Big Sanjay meets someone online
Little Sanjay has a lot of wishes for his parents, and Priya spends almost all her time with him.
And the week ends with a party. Sanjay is still furious with Priya, so the atmosphere in the house is tense.
The week started out good, but it fell apart when Priya was caught cheating. After that, the couple couldn’t date every day and get their wishes that way. It worked pretty well, if not perfect, with little Sanjay.