The Norman family has a value of 48.780 § and pays 2.439§ taxes this week. It consists of:
Magnus, Popularity with an LTW to become Captain Hero. He works as a Patrol Officer and owns the clothes/toy stor Ekte Norsk.
Wilma, Fortune, with an LTW of becoming a Hall of Famer. She’s unemployed, but the career is now opened, so she’s looking.
Audhild, Knowledge, with an LTW to become a Criminal Mastermind. There are no openings in that field, so she will remain unemployed.
Audhild gets distracted while cooking, and sets the stove on fire. This family are responsible for at least 90% of all Birka fires, I swear!
Magnus has a great week career-wise, he's got promotions four times. He brings his colleague Alice with him home, Every Single Day.
Audhild invites the sexiest man in Birka, Tobias Broberg, two-bolter, member of the Garden Club. She gets her first kiss from him. She has been too busy studying before.
Then Audhild invites Tobias on a date. They go to 2 Friends.
Elaine, without eyebrows, is working as a waitress today. Apparently the sims do some things differently when unplayable.
Audhild brings Tobias home, to make sure he meets her parents. There is definitively potential for the future with this guy!
And the date is a dreamdate again, as it usually is for these two!
The whole family goes to Ekte Norsk, and the customers are much happier than when Diana was here. Magnus seems to need his family to be able to run the shop.
Magnus earns his gold badge in stocking and the shop reaches level 8.
At the end of the week, the shop reaches level 9 with the help of Samantha Ottomas. Magnus is pleased.
Audhild sells a masterpiece and promptly starts playing the piano. She is very artistic.
Wilma found her desired job in Athletics, and got promoted to Rookie. And Magnus brought Alice with him home from work, as he still does every single day.
That night, Wilma joins her husband in the elder stage of life. Let’s see if she calms down when it comes to cheating.
The week also brings some more promotions for Wilma.
Then, time for the big events of the week:
Audhild looks deep into Tobias’ dark blue eyes with her own beautiful green and asks him to marry her. Of course he says yes!
The next day it’s time for the wedding. Audhild has a fantastic green dress that goes with her eyes, and Tobias actually has a really nice three-piece suit.
Meet Tobias (Broberg) Norman - Skill-less, badge-less, job-less and penny-less.
But Audhild loves him, and that’s the most important thing.
The spring is approaching and Audhild is expecting. The father-to-be is exhausted from skilling and doesn’t notice at all. And after a long and event-less pregnancy it's time for the first Generation 3 of Birka. Magnus is becoming a grandfather!
It’s a boy, and he gets the fine Norwegian name Odd. Oddly (!) enough, he’s a redhead, which surprised me, but made me happy, since this is a family of redheads. Now it will continue to be for another generation.
It turns out that Tobias is actually a dyed redhead. Odd has his father’s blue eyes too.
I'm very happy it's a boy, since I know no Norwegian girl names starting with O.
The pictures of this update are not in sequence as the game was played, but rather divided into blocks of events. It felt more kept together that way.
Next up - Maine