Week 15.6 Maryland - Eventlessness

Dec 02, 2017 15:31

The Marylands are our third American family. It consists of:
Julianne Maryland, Pleasure/Popularity adult, LTW to have 50 dream dates. She works in the Businass career as President. She owns Maryland Garden Supplies, level 10
Noah Colorado, Pleasure/Romance adult, 2nd LTW Professional Perty Guest. He works in the Business career as an Executive
Robert Maryland, Family teen, LTW 6 grandchildren
Stephen Maryland, Family teen, LTW Marry off six kids

Maryland Garden supplies is worth 69.420§ and the home lot value is 243.528§, which means that the weekly tax will be 31.294§, and we have thereby collected a total of 1.003.359§ in taxes which will earn us a Uni, again resulting in a growth of the town to 13.978 persons!

We start with the identical twins Robert and Stephen who get a snowday. Disappointed that the University addition didn’t do more for our population count, we are looking forward to another boring week.

So, we’re concentrating on getting to the top of the Business Career. Julianne becomes a Business Tycoon fast enough, but then we realize that we need a Business Tycoon AND 5 playable owned lots to get anywhere.

So Julianne buys the local sports field and three parks before the family funds run out.

Noah gets promoted up to CEO by Friday

To let ANYTHING happen this week, we let Robert reconnect with his second cousin Evelina, who’s got a baby LTW like him. They can have those kids together. It ends up with an awkward moment in the parents’ bedroom though

Being young, they recover quickly and use the same bed themselves

And when the weekend is over, Noah has painted portraits of his identical twins. Robert in red and Stephen in green

Next - Colorado

robert maryland, stephen maryland, birka, julianne maryland, noah colorado

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