The Norman family is of Norwegian origin and consists of:
Audhild Norman, Knowledge/Pleasure, LTW - Criminal Mastermind. She’s unemployed and will never reach her goal. Owner of Ekte Norsk, toy store - level 10
Odd Norman, Popularity/Family, LTW 2 - 20 pet BFs . He works in the Law Enforcement career as Captain Hero.
Patricia (Maine) Norman, Popularity, LTW Captain Hero. She works in the Law Enforcement career as a Lieutenant
Lise Norman, child
Morten Norman, child
The net value for Ekte Norsk is 74.233§ and for the residence lot 148 716§, which adds up to 22.293§ in weekly tax.
Since Odd is on the top of his LTW career, it’s time for him to start a Business job, but it’s not easy to find. Patricia works on her body skill
Lise and Morten are good kids and use their freetime wisely.
Audhild doesn’t work, and now when the kids are bigger she’s not needed around the house during daytime, so she goes swimming
Then she goes to Ekte Norsk to build some toys - the ones that are flying off the shelves as soon as the store opens.
That becomes her routine for a couple of days, until she has filled her backpack with water wigglers and other stuff needed at the store
Patricia comes home promoted to SWAT team leader
Then she spends some time with her coworker Tove, and they become best friends
Back home, Audhild gives all her produced toys to Odd
All sorts of stuff change hands
Lise and Morten are happy with the water wiggler
Then Audhild starts to transfer the business to Odd, since she’s retiring.
Retiring for good!
Even though it’s sad, it’s doesn’t stop life from moving on. Lise and Morten are due to grow up
They both grow up well
Morten choses the Knowledge aspiration and wants to become a Media Magnate. That path he can start when ever he likes, since it was opened by 1000 inhabitants.
Lise choses Fortune and wants to become a Worldclass ballet dancer, which has to wait until Kaylynn Maryland can get her dance saloon to level 5.
Here we randomly give you the family tree of Patricia. Her mother Brittany Maine is still alive and lives nextdoor, with Patricia’s brother Quentin and her and Odd’s firstborn son Frode. Patricia is also half-sister to Diana Stolt and Brigitte Ndayeni, while her cheating father is dead.
Odd comes from a more standardized family, and by now both his parents are dead, while his sister Vigdis is more than alive and interferes with all relationships in Birka.
To make Lise look more like her mother and less like her aunt, we change her hair. Here she meets Karl Amschel Rothschild, but there is no spark, they just talk about school.
Morten’s hair is also changed, to become more Norman like, and both the kids buy their needed mobile phones and handgames.
At home, the ghosts become active. The only one who likes it is Morten, being Knowledge and all.
Odd finally finds a job in Business and will start as a Junior Executive.
He gets promoted to Manager on his first day.
Patricia becomes a Police Chief, and Lise invited over the headmaster.
While Patricia cooks porkchops, Odd entertains the headmaster
It’s all in all a massive success! Think those schmooze points are the highest ever!
Odd starts off the weekend by being promoted again, to Senior Manager.
While Morten finds the time to become best friends with his cousin’s daughter Evelina Stolt (It’s Zarah, Evelina’s mother, who is Morten’s cousin)
And he decides to start off his Writing career.
Odd finishes off the portraits of the teens
And him and Patricia spends some time playing chess.
Lise decides that Ivo Boston is the hottest sim in Birka and booty calls him over. Didn’t even know they met! Must have been at school.
Wasting no time
Lise: ”You’re funny, thinking I would become pregnant!”
Lise: ”Why would you think I would become pregnant, it was only once!”
Next - Maine