10.1 Stolt - Culinary Success

May 07, 2011 15:11


Welcome back to Birka for week 10. We start as we usually do, with the Stolt family, consisting of:
Diana Stolt, Pleasure, LTW Celebrity Chef. Owner of 2Friends restaurant - level 5, and Club Maggan - level 10
Taavetti Ottomas, Popularity, LTW Rock God.
Zarah Stolt, child
Kickan, the cat.

The household’s net value is 85.386§, which adds up to a weekly tax of 4.269§.

The Birka founder, Maria Stolt, doesn’t leave her grand-daughter Zarah alone at night. The poor child is exhausted as a result of that. If Maria doesn’t stop soon, she’ll have to move to the cemetary!

Diana goes to her restaurant 2Friends. For her personnel working outside, she has changed the work uniform to fit the cold weather. She decides to promote her best friend Elaine Suffolk to manager, so now it’s really two friends’ restaurant!

Soon the restaurant reaches level 6, when Elaine is doing the dishes. Outside, we see Vincent, the host, welcoming yet another guest.

At home, Zarah is skipping school to stay home and sit in the snow and blow bubbles.

As punishment, j68 makes her do chores around the house.

And her father Taavetti oversees her piano practice with a close eye.

Taavetti then gets back in the saddle and accepts a job in the Music career as a Piano Tuner. Let’s see how long it lasts this time!

With spring approaching, 2Friends restaurant reaches level 7, and Christopher, Diana’s father and employee gets a nice tip from Eva Ottosson-Bixo.

Thursday, Zarah volountarily goes to school again and comes home with B+ grades. As a reward she’s allowed to invite the girl next door, Vigdis Norman, for a playdate. Vigdis apparently thinks it’s spring, but fortunately Zarah kept her woolen sweater.

By the end of the work week, Maria, the ghost has calmed down, and lets Zarah sleep at night. It’s good to know she can grow properly while sleeping, she will grow up Friday night.

Friday, Diana gets promoted to Restauranteur and celebrates with a blow... Zarah finished her last day of elementary school with average grades. Kickan the cat enjoys the spring weather on the lawn.

Taavetti managed his first day as a Piano Tuner without getting fired. He brought Liz home with him after work. Liz really needs a new outfit - it will be arranged when we come to her house.

Friends and neighbours gather around the table with the cake, where Zarah is soon to leave her childhood behind.

Zarah decides she’s a Family girl with an LTW of marrying off 6 children. She also wants a stinking, unemployed husband.

Diana maxes her culinary enthusiasm when studying her cookbooks for her work.

On her first day as a teen, Zarah goes to the swim hall to meet some people and a potential husband, but there are none of interest present.

So she goes to Suffolk Saloon for some dinner, maybe to check out the competition?

Taavetti manages his second day of work, too, without getting fired. On the contrary, he gets promoted to Café Sound Technician! And he brings home groceries.

Taavetti is friends with Melvin Colorado and invites him and his three teenaged brothers, to let Zarah meet them. Melvin brings two of the brothers, Rasmus and Samuel, but even though it looks like it, Zarah doesn’t like them much.

When she starts talking with Rasmus, she changes her mind - he is actually two bolts hot, and he’s a Family boy.

Third day at work, order is restored. Taavetti is fired from a bad chance card. Again. It must be the third time in this incarnation.

His mother Satu's spontaneous visit makes him in a better mood, though.

Sunday night, Diana gets promoted to Celebrity Chef and reaches her LTW. Additionaly, she unlocks the Culinary path for all of Birka! Yihoo!

And by that we continue to the Norman house.

diana stolt, zarah stolt, birka, taavetti ottomas

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