23:56 Found a new rule for the tired "...in bed" fortune cookie game. Inspired by Mel Gibson: "...but you will BLOW me first!"
# 00:15 "If you get far enough away you'll be on your way back home. " - Tom Waits
# 12:14 Techdirt on Glee and mixed messages from the entertainment industry vis a vis copyright infringement.
bit.ly/dhtPY8 # 15:42 w00t! Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge is now available on pretty much every platform! #lookbehindyoua3headedmonkey
# 16:54 Earthquake! #obligatorytweet
# 22:31 RT @PunkRockSkeptic: Editing the trailer for "Hysteria, CA" with Irving. #hysteriaca
twitpic.com/23d6am #Automatically shipped by