Oct 13, 2007 19:32
went okay, i fucked up sight reading, blew some minds with improv. i probably didnt make it though, there was a shitload of bassists. the drive up was agonizing, because i had that feeling that you get before you do something huge and are not sure if you can do it. plus drew and mr peltola were talking about cars for like 2 hours which is all they ever talk about, and if there is one thing i care least about in the world its the specs of your cars engine. but now another little wieght has been lifted off of my shoulders and i can breathe a little bit easier. if i dont make it i at least had the experience of playing infront of judges, which i anticipate happening more in the near future.
also i played tenor sax at the school pep rally. i had an anxiety attack as i was surrounded by screaming morons. i think theres a good reason why i dont like those kinds of things but i cant place it. i hate being in crowds, i get really edgy and feel like i cant breathe. at the same time i envy all the people that can have fun at those things. but that isnt me. as time goes on i notice certain traits like this sticking to me instead of rolling off and i guess its part of who i am.
1. al green changed my life (or at least i like his music)
2. i need to learn to sight read
3. im going to sushi tonight, you should go
4. this state can be beautiful when it wants to be