May 31, 2007 19:18
You never keep your mouth closed.
You never respect anybody else, let alone yourself.
You must criticize everyone's choices.
You gossip to no end.
You must put other people down to make yourself feel better.
You can't say ANYTHING about people's looks.
You make it easy for people to dislike you.
You have some security issues.
You are two-faced.
You are a hypocrite.
You are never satisfied.
I'm making this entry public.
Because I know you snoop around people's LiveJournals just to find out about things going on within other people's lives just so you can spread drama. Wow, you have such great qualities.
You're probably going to get mad and try and flip this upon me, well, go ahead.
This isn't the first time you pissed me off.
But this is the last time I will be your friend.
Hopefully I don't have to deal with you again.
Thing is, I didn't mention the fact that you're overweight, obese even.
Because everybody already sees that. Everybody.
I'm just saying all the things that are hidden within all that blubber.
Who needs karma when you're already fucked up enough?