Dec 19, 2006 17:02
I had 3. Maybe more, but these are the ones I remember.
I was in the Navy! And some exploration thingy, we were floating above a VERY visible submarine that sank. And someone told me our captain leader guy died from a SHARK that lives inside the submarine, and I explored a little but I didn't die.
Then DUSTIN was driving around some road by the mountains. Ben was in the backseat, and Dustin really sucks at driving, cause he almost hit a car and the curb. We then yelled at a bunch of white kids who were listening to some shit music. Making fun of them for being white and stuff. lol
And somewhere in between them, my tooth was split in half and I was playing with it with my tongue. But for some reason, I had a BIG CLOSE UP with just my tooth and tongue.