Hold on to me. A day, a dream, a life with you...

May 08, 2003 19:00

An exclusive undercover conversation with a criminal we ALL know - MADE PUBLIC! (I was even sworn to secrecy!)

Hey you ;) So what are you going to do today? What's that? Finally go to the gym? teehee. You actually think you're going to get that fat ass in shape? *snicker* You're kidding me right? And you'll look like such a dork using all of those machines around all of those other people who actually know what they're doing. Not to mention, do you know how frightening your body is? Do you really want to go into a place where there are a bunch of perfect bodies and try to pretend like you can actually ever be one of them? lol! Yes, you're right, you do need to fix those breasts. And yeah, some laser treatment might help. Yes, definitely need to start eating a lot less, just look at those thighs! Ah, just don't go today. Just forget all of this, just accept that you'll never be one of those fit people. That's just not you. You're lazy and out of shape.....
So what else are you gonna do? HAHAH!!! go in for a job interview at that hot new place?!!!! YOU ARE kidding me this time, right?!! You actually think you're going to have a real chance? C'mon honey, just be realistic, you have no real skill or talent. Well yeah, you can do THAT, but don't you think every other person going in for the interview will be able to also?! Duh. *rolls eyes* .....
So what else is on the agenda? BAAAAHHHAHAH!!! You're going to do WHAT?!!!? Ask your mean old teacher to help you with a grade? What do you think you are? Why would she give you special treatment. Don't even bother......
So what else......
what? *baffled* You want to know who I am? *puzzled* ummm...ummm....
Well no, it's not that. You....you just threw me off guard...you've never asked me that before. I guess I can answer.....

My name is low self esteem. I am the one that preys on your biggest fears - but I show you that they are real - I save you from them. I guess you could just call me a psychic. I'm only looking out for your well being! After all, you did invite me here, so you must have wanted me here. You kept me around. And you fed fuel to my fire. You made me stronger. The more you didn't try, the more you didn't risk, the more you imagined, the stronger I became. The MORE *I* became. And the more you learned. *sweet smile* Now you know so much about yourself! I stop you from making a fool out of yourself! I stop you from failing! Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Yes, you know you need me. You are nothing without me, you stupid person. You may actually succeed without me. And you couldn't handle that - what would you do without me?! You're too slow. You're not worth succeeding. You're not cut out for that, you know it deep inside. And c'mon, lets get honest, you still need to lose those 10bs. Your body is a mess. And lets be honest some more shall we? You'll age, after these few years of youth, its even more downhill. You have nothing because you are nothing. So just follow me. Take my hand. I will take you where you need to be. Just trust in me like you have the past few years. I haven't let you down, have I? I have never lied to you...*devious grin*, have I? Exactly. So keep trusting in me and I will grow more and more and you will learn more and more about yourself! *sweet smile*
I think she's gone. Phew, that was a close one! She almost started questioning me =X

Psst. Over here. It's me. Low self-esteem. Don't tell my owner, but I have a secret to confide in you. I will only share my secret this one time so listen up. ...I control my owners mind>actions>life, but only as long as my owner allows it. *sigh* ...Yes, it is true, I am actually a slave to my owner. And believe me, that scares me like hell! Why do you think I pace back and forth like so? And why the fuck else do you think I smoke so much??? Sometimes I'm a nervous wreck - like when she starts questioning me or thinking for herself.....
But ah...I have grown quite sly. *evil grin* I've come to know my owners weaknesses over the years >:) I know how to point out others and make sure she comes to the conclusion that she is less than. I know how to manipulate her thoughts and control her mind so that she thinks she isn't good enough. I doubt my owner will ever succeed against me. You see, I've taught my owner to search outside of herself for answers - I've taught my owner that she is missing something and therefore she cannot and will not be complete nor content nor worthy nor happy until she gets this "something". But she will never get it....of course, mwahaha, because - now this is key so listen up - she isn't missing a thing at all! But SHHH!!! She doesn't know this, of course! All she has to do is realize this and actually SEE that it is true and I'm gone for good - I'm...*gulp* dead meat. *shudder* So don't you DARE say a word! You have been sworn to secrecy!

just fooling around in photoshop. i don't know if you can pick up on my new hair colour -red. notice the HAIR not the UGLY. please, don't provoke it.
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