long time has passed and many things have happened, tho also not really.
first order of business, i have officially quite ladbrokes my last day is this sunday, and on the monday i start full time employment at emu labs on hayling island. Finally no more customers! and all should at least go ok. assuming i don't cave under pressure and mess up horribly. still even with that it will be better than the betting shop.
alas with the advent of job there was the advent of cash, (normally thats isen't an alas :P ) but with far more spare cash my spending has shot up as well. my sword collection has matured into one that has actual antiques in now after a few visits to the shop of rothery's resulting in a number of smaller blades such as a dagger and a kriss knife, but also 2 WWI age cavalry sabers, an oficers and a ranks, one of which (the ranks) was in a hell of a state and has since been restored , not to its former glory but at least to resemblance of a functioning blade and not a lump of rust in a broken down scabbard with crackeling leather, and of coarse my latest purches, an unidentified sort of dagger (really i mean even rothery himself couldn't name the thing) that probably started life as a rapier. this one is the real oldie in the group being as its from the 1600's .
course i also ended up letting my eyes get bigger than my wallet last month and the final and biggest buy happened. for those of you who know Valkyrie Profile here it is :
http://www.monstersinmotion.com/catalog/images/anim/699788821565.jpg tho not ordered from the internet.
thats pretty much all i can write up at the moment, again a may update later tho don't hold your breath.