May 24, 2007 21:51
Yuck gross, I put body lotion on my arms about ten minutes ago, but with the heat it won't penetrate the skin so I'm all sticky now.
It's been so bloody hot this week. Always around 30°C, it feels like summer already. It's so crap, I'm dying at work. Cars without air-cond should die. It makes me worried about the weather this summer. It's never good when the weather is so nice early is it? It means the summer will either be cold and crap, or stupidly hot as in 40°C. That was unbearable when it happened a few years ago. Anyway, it's just not normal. There is one good thing though: I'm all tanned :D Well only my face and my arms. My left arm is more tanned than my right one since it's the closest to the open window in the car haha. And you can see the mark of my necklace and watch... Good thing that I never take them off lol.
It's a little bit less than 2 weeks until my exams results now. I had a kind of anxious attack this afternoon, silly me. I shouldn't react like this. But really, it was weird, my heart started beating like mad and I could barely breath... It wouldn't be so scary if failing didn't mean saying goodbye to my holidays. Well a good part of it. The best part. If I fail, I can say bye bye to Muse at Wembley, which I've been looking forward to for about 6 months now... So two weeks left until I'm finally relieved, or have to spend a stupid amount of money on a late Friday night flight in a desperate attempt to still make it to Wembley... Blagh, damn uni for always putting important things right when I have plans. It's always like that... And I'm the one who makes plans first! It's like they know lol.
Anyway, yeah, 21 days until the start of the holidays (if I pass, but you got it now) which are gonna be so bloody brilliant!! I can't wait to see Amy and Ash again. Unfortunately Camille will have left already, which sucks a bit... We have so many things planned! London, Teignmouth, Paris, Mulhouse, and loads and loads of brilliant bands to see! I'm so excited hehe.
Letting your hair grow is such a pain. Mine is at this stage where it's both too long and too short for me to be able to style it in any way, so I'm tying it up every day, which is no fun. But it's convenient in this heat.
I wish Muse would make an official announcement about the rest of the support acts for Wembley and Paris. They made weird choices so far so I'm hoping for something better. I'll have to put up with The Streets and fucking Archive *shoots herself* BUT the good this is that I won't have to watch My Chemical Romance. I think I would have died if I had to go through this. Imagine MCR and Archive, that would have been too much lol. I don't get how Muse can like MCR... Really... *shudders* Fucking Gerard Way, he's too emo to live. He should die his hair, he looks like an arse with silver hair. Then again, he looked like one with black hair too. Must be something about him lol.
Anyway, enough bitching. We Are Scientists were announced for Paris, but I dunno if that's still true since they've had to refuse Wembley... but Wembley's not Paris, right? *crosses fingers*. I wish Klaxons hadn't refused, silly twats. They're opening for Daft Punk in July, I wanna see that! They were guests on Europe 2 this morning, and they covered Justin Timberlake's My Love, and believe it or not, it was fucking awesome! They almost made me like that twat of Justin lol. I can't wait to see them at Eurocks.
Anyway, enough babbling. I'm tempted to go to bed now, and spend the rest of the evening reading, but I kinda can't be bothered to move...