I've had an eventful couple of days. Well, as eventful as it can get when you're doing boring work all day...
On Wednesday night, I went over to Julie's with Sarah. Julie's a professional make-up artist, and she gave us some tips on how to apply - and which - make-up to get the 'natural' look and all. She has a proper make-up desk and mirror, and tons of material! She put make-up on me, and I felt like I was about to walk down the red carpet or something haha. And I did look really good once all made-up haha. I'm definitely keeping the natural look, it's great. She's ordering some professional make-up for me, brushes and all. Then we had crepes hehe.
On Wednesday I also got home to find one package more on my bed than I was expecting. All my remaining DVDs had arrived, as well as a big package from
placebobitch. What a great surprise! She sent me a Dunny, the Rainy London one, which now stands on my bedside table hehe. There was also sweets and chocolate eggs, Urban Decay make-up! and a book that sounds quite interesting: Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman.
Last night I had dinner in some Thai restaurant with
heloula. Then we went next door to Le Carré, my favourite lounge bar, for some Ben & Jerry's. There was this creepy 40-year-old guy sitting at the table next to us chatting us up. Hela has tunisian origins, and the guy suddenly cuts in our conversation asking where she's from. It was sort of funny cos she gave him a half-dubious, half-threatening look. Then he asks ME. I just tell him I'm French, but he was like, no way, you don't look french, don't you have polish origins? You look polish. I was like, okayyyy........ We tried ignoring him but then he kept trying to know where we usually went out, if we had a usual place and all. We said no, but then he tried to ask me on a date this weekend. The only way I found to shake him off is to lie. I just told him I doubted my boyfriend would like that. Know what he said? Bring him along! Hah!! Git. He eventually gaveup, we hurried to finish our ice creams, and headed to the cinema.
MILK was just... wow. Epic, touching, frightening, revolting, sad, happy, everything. We laughed, cried, loved people, hated people, shouted at conservative twats from the past - and present - and basically just 'lived' the film. It made me think a lot. It's amazing to have something worth fighting for. Something you believe in so strongly that your life takes a whole new meaning. Of course the way it all ended for Harvey Milk is revolting, even more so than Dan White got a joke-sentence. Ugh. And what's revolting too is that recently Californians passed a law taking a few steps back again, after so many people fought for their rights.
There is a sentence in the film that really striked me. Milk says: "I'm 40 years old, and I haven't done a single thing in my life that I'm proud of." I just thought: I haven't done anything either. I've been wasting my life so badly for a good few years now. It has to stop. I'm only 23, it's not too late to change that. And I will.
EDIT: Charlie Winston is playing Eurocks! Yay! Along with The Prodigy, The Ting Tings, Pete Doherty, NTM and Slipknot. I can't believe I'm finally seeing The Prodigy!!! So excited :D