Ugh, reading reviews from people who got their copy of Haarp on the board and on here made me really really impatient. I was planning on grabbing mine on Monday evening before drama class but now I think I'll get up early and go at 10am when the shop opens XD cos I'm that sad and excited. It's a bit of a disappointment to know that the documentary is only 12 minutes long but nevermind. I guess it's better than nothing, right? God Fnac'd better have it on the shelves on Monday morning, 10am or I'll kill them. I wonder which shop it was that handed out t-shirts... I could do with one :D Bah it probably wasn't fnac.
Hee Wembleyyyyyyyyyyyyy *much squeeage ensues*
Today is such a nice day, the sun is shining and the air is warm. I was doing my deliveries in my jumper, yay for no winter coat, and I had my summer cds on at full volume. So so good.
Tonight my parents are having loads of guests coming over for dinner and since I'm not in the mood for being social, I'm going to the cinema. I've still got to see that U2:3D thing. I got 21€ tips this morning so it's all good.
Yesterday I went to some fashion show, if you can call it that. I was stuck between laughter and tears of horror. The clothes were awful, the girls were fugly, they couldn't walk for shit, and they were doing a sort of choreography that made the whole thing 10 times more ridiculous. Only the music was good, even though they had obviously nicked it from the Fashion Week CDs. The good thing is that I found some white fabric to make that outfit I want for my Italian cousin's wedding. It's gonna look good, I hope :D
This is what I want: the trousers, the jacket, and even a hat if I can find one :D I'll be wearing this with red shoes, a red top and a red bag, to break the white aspect a bit, cos after all, I'm not the one getting married lol. Or maybe blue.. I don't know yet.