Today's been quite strange, to say the least. I've been feeling strange... It seems like I've spent the day in a kind of haze, like I wasn't really there. It just went on and I wasn't part of it. So odd.
Work was awkward cos everyone's back from holiday now, and they all avoid speaking to that one woman, so she talks to me all the time, and I receive odd looks from the others. It makes me really uncomfortable. Stupid adults, they behave like 5 year olds. Then I went to give that english lesson and nearly throttled the kid cos he hadn't learnt his lesson from yesterday. It feels like I'm losing my time, and even though I get paid, I'd much rather go home after a long day of work than spend 2 hours with him for nothing. Oh well. I just love the English language so much that why someone wouldn't enjoy learning it is beyond me...
Anyway, I'm eating a banana, which makes me happy, god knows why... I just love bananas. I'm also staring at this picture, because let's face it, it's damn hot! I though the looked rather crap lately so seeing this had my jaw crash to the floor...
And random: They've changed Lisa's voice in the Simpsons, I don't like it.