Mar 21, 2006 23:32
Well I realized that I haven't updated in more than a month and that my icon is still an advertisement for a CC show that was two months ago, I figured I should change the icon to the upcoming show's date and maybe say WADDUP to my livejournal.
Umm I'm in a really good place right now. I wasn't for a while but I'm back and I really want to stay here. Do you ever wish you could just like keep one single mindset and not slip back into old bad unhealthy destructive habits? Because I definitely do. A lot. The worst part is when you know you're back into them but you can't dig yourself out. That sucks.
Goodbye to the Clown is amazing so far. Biz is... I mean... she's freaking incredible. I am learning so much from her and this role and this show. The script is good but on the verge of completely melodramatic so trying to find a healthy balance between tearjerker and soap opera is a difficult but fully welcomed challenge. People might not like the show because it might be too much of a downer for them but honestly I don't care because I am learning so much. And our cast. I can't even begin to describe how excited I am to get to know these wonderful people even more. YAY!!!
I am ADing the freshman play with Knoedler next year and I am SO excited. Bummed that I can't be in the fall play and get the chance to work with Laramie people again and of course NANCY, but theres always Urinetown. I also definitely want to either SM Shakes next year or be in it. I really want to learn about Shakespeare.
I feel like I should write something about how senior year is fast approaching but its all been said before. Its surreal. Life in general is just surreal. But its real. Which makes it surreal-er. Ugh I need to go to sleep.
Jessie came over tonight after CC and watched the first part of the pilot of LOST with me. I'm going to become an addict I can tell. Not to Lost but to Jessie Nurse. I guess Lost too. I missed Jessie.
There are so many good things coming up. I hate feeling like all I'm doing is looking to the future but I can't help it. My group leader from Montana told me I need to live in the moment more. Part of me feels like I do. Part of me feels like I don't give a fuck because I'm having an amazing time living anyway.
ANTM, Harvard Square, NYC, Date with Becky FINALLY... and thats just the next 5 days.
I just love spring. I need to go to school where it's warmer all year round. The sunshine is just so good for me. It makes me fall in love with everything. And certain people more than others.