Jun 29, 2010 18:05
A Bright, Particular Star, by saklani2 & myficjournal (NC-17, AU)
And Some Benefits, by poor-choices (PG, AU)
Baby Daddy, by tryfanstone (NC-17)
Because I Love You, You Idiot, by __tiana__ (PG-13, AU)
Bring Me That Horizon, by ignited (NC-17)
Even As I Wander (I'm Keeping You In Sight), by heartsonwings (PG)
Everything Feels Like the End of the World , by chash (NC-17, AU) (Next day: Time Is On My Side)
In Production, by reccea (NC-17)
Life Is Fragile, Handle With Care, by blueeyedliz & dontknowmyname (NC-17, AU)
On a Planet That Insists, by marishna (R, AU)
One, Two, by daisiesdaily (PG, AU)
Swings And Roundabouts, by veronamay (NC-17)
The Jared Padalecki Untitled Project, by sometimesophie (NC-17)
Things We Didn't Say, by altyronsmaker (R)
To Teach the Human Heart the Knowledge of Itself, by apreludetoanend (R)
act together (not on supernatural)