Sunday Rec Post

May 15, 2011 19:59

A mix of AU and Non-AU stories :) Enjoy!

Title: I'll Build You A Castle - plus sequel: Twist Like This
Author: bertee (formally known as atimi)
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~ 16,400 (both stories)
Summary: Jared/Jensen, established relationship, experimenting with D/s for the first time when neither of them have tried it before. I'd love lots of talking and negotiation about rules and limits and feelings, etc.
Notes: Non-AU. This is a great, great D/S story. I like the build up… that there is lots of preparation and talking so that both boys feel comfortable. It gives the entire scenario a truly realistic touch and feeling, and THAT I absolutely love. And of course, it’s super sexy and super hot!! So, keep some ice cubes close by. You gonna need them.

Title: Keeping Up Appearances
Author: timehasa_way
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5995
Summary: There are reasons why Jared is the way he is on the outside. He doesn't keep many secrets, but he can be a lot more insecure than most people realize. Bad memories and a long week of work are bringing him down. He needs Jensen to lift him back up.
Notes: Non-AU. I think it’s not easy to write Insecure!Jared in a believable way. But the writer def. managed that perfectly. It’s a beautiful and touching story and I love how Jensen gets under Jared’s skin and puts the pieces together. And don’t even get me started on the sex. Smoking hot. Also huge thanks to aldehyde for recing this story to us! :)

Title: Somewhere Between Texas And Mexico
Author: celtic_cookie
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 28,296
Summary: “You say you love me, but you love me not.” Still rebounding from his four year relationship with his college sweetheart Milo, Jared finds himself dragged south this summer. South Padre Island, TX is an oasis of beaches, beer and his very best friends and soon the Corona and the salt sea air have Jared back to his sparkly self. Or maybe it’s the fishing. Or the fishing boat’s captain.
Notes: AU. I really liked the progression of Jared’s and Jensen’s relationship. I also like the play with the POVs. Plus, the boys are super dorky and schmoopy and yeah… it’s just a lovely read! :)

Title: Waking Up Without A Sound
Author: gatorgrrrl
Pairing: pre-Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~ 4,800
Summary: Death by f**king. It hasn’t happened yet, but he keeps trying. For Jensen, pain is pleasure. He learned that when he was 13 years old.
Notes: AU. First of all, let me say… this is a very dark story. It’s also very powerful and emotional and you’ll hurt a lot while reading it. Getting into Jensen’s headspace is painful. But with Jared popping up there is a tiny glimpse of hope. And that’s all the story needs.

Title: You Can Trust Me Not To Think
Author: _mournthewicked
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC17
Word Count: ~ 3,400
Summary: Jensen has a bit of a jealousy problem and Jared is a bit of a flirt. Jensen tries to give him a taste of his own medicine and quickly finds out that Jared has a possessive streak of his own.
Notes: AU. It seems I’m a little bit more on the PWP side of fics today, huh? Anyway… if you need another opportunity to get all hot and bothered, you just have to read this. Incredible and mind-blowing HOT.

author: _mournthewicked, theme: dark, author: timehasa_way, author: bertee, author: celtic_cookie, rating: nc-17, author: gatorgrrrl, theme: hurt/comfort

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