Title: A Ghost, a Dryad, and a Werebear go into a Bar..
Author: ashtraythief
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Genre: RPF, AU
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~ 3,750
Summary: Jared is new to the city, Jensen is in town for the weekend... but really, this is just cracky porn.
Warnings/Kinks: elf!Jensen, werebear!Jared, bottom!Jensen, honey-porn and a bit of schmoop. Okay, maybe more than a bit.
Disclaimer: obviously never happened, but a girl can dream, right?
Note: There was wine and I was supposed to write something for this lovely new
j2_crack community. I know, I promised
meus_venator more duchess, but the wine insisted on this instead.
Huge thanks to
linvro21 for getting this from tipsy-land to actual fic material! All remaining mistakes are my own.
This way to the porn