Title: The Land Before Time
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~ 2,900
Summary: Jared meets a handsome stranger in the woods. And even though he should be scared of his long teeth, he's more enchanted by his pretty spots.
Warnings/Kinks: bottom!Jensen, dino!porn (yes, seriously. I am not kidding!)
Disclaimer: This is, for obvious reasons, not mine and I seriously doubt it ever happened. Although without a time-machine we can never be really sure...
Notes: This is completely and utterly
alezig's fault! With her even the most innocent conversations (say for example a discussion of the new Jurassic Park movie) turns into porn!
This is also not scientifically correct! Just me, my imagination and the left-overs of my childhood geekery with some google-fu at work here.
Huge thanks to my awesome and hard to shock beta
Prehistoric porn here (and if that isn't the strangest thing I've ever written...)