So, recently I dabbled a bit in two wonderful commentfic memes, the
space commentfic meme from
deirdre and the
Summer Schmoop Meme over on
spn_rps, and since they both turned out rather cracky, I thought this is the place to post them ;)
But Jen, it's so fluffy!Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R (for language)
Words: ~1,270
Warnings/Kinks: space and schmoop. Dialogue fic
Summary: space-explorer!Jared likes the furry things they discover, but his boyfriend, space-explorer!Jensen is not amused
Disclaimer: not mine, never happened
Notes: written for
cherie_morte's prompt on
Space comment fic meme.
Remember That One Time We Were Locked In A Trunk?Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~2900
Summary: Jared and Jensen in a trunk, l-o-c-k-e-d i-n.
Warnings/Kinks: none, except kinda schmoopy dirty talk. Dialogue fic. Crack and schmoop. Unbetad.
Disclaimer: definitely not mine. Nope, I had nothing to do with this...
Notes: Written for
prompt "J2 locked in a trunk" over at the
Summer Schmoop Meme on
spn_rps You should all go and space and schmoop as well, it's great fun!