
May 14, 2011 20:06

I've had a stinking headache all day. I don't suffer from them a lot but when I do, I know about it :(

Still have no Internet at home.. It totally sucks! I feel so out of the loop. Hopefully the problem will be sorted soon!

This week has been so busy.. Actually the past two weeks have been manic. I feel like a yo-yo.. It's good though but with mummy/toddler groups, new friends, swimming lessons and the day to day of daily life I haven't had 2 minutes to myself! We don't have any plans for tomorrow, which I am so looking forward to because next week is another busy one!

My sisters wedding is two weeks away!! I can't believe it's come around so fast and that in 13 days I will be walking down the aisle as her maid of honour.. My little sister is all grown up lol.. :) James has a 3 piece suit for the wedding! I'm going to be taking so many photos of him :)

Talking of James, he came over to Anthony this morning and said, "Daddy, can I have some money?" Anthony laughed and asked him how much he wanted.. James replied.. "A hundred million pounds please.." Where does he learn this stuff lol...

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

aimee - wedding, family life, me

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