Dec 25, 2004 23:54
Nicholas had a nice Christmas. Wish I had a camera, it as so cute how he tore out of the room, ran for the tree and the look on his face when he saw all the new dinosaurs waiting for him! Then he opened two presents and stopped. I said, "keep openning your presents sweetie, you got so many from Santa!" He replied, "no thank you, I'll just play with these two!" Morning with the boyamigo the off to my grandparents. It was a pretty big disappointment with the family all split up, but still so nice to see my grandparents. Too bad I'm at work now. Contemplating what crazy shit to do for this NY eve. Everyone is assuming I'm doing something at my place. But I kno my neighbors upstairs have a baby and are probably sick of how loud we always are downstairs. But then again it is NY eve. I dunno yet, however goin to the beach last year was straight. Any input?? Crashing at my place is cool though.
Apparently my place is nominated for the weekly dinner with the guys yo. So Monday night, probably around 9pm. All are welcome to my place in Norwood. Massive amounts of food, coronas, alcohol, mixed drinks, and watch american wedding and/or wuteva else i rent. FOOD YO. call the cell 781-964-6166