Oct 02, 2005 22:00
I went and played bingo again tonight. I didn't win $100 like I did last week but I did win $10. My sister and mom went this time too. Heidi won $10 and Kellie won $4 but my poor mom didn't win a thing. I almost got into a car accident on the way home. I don't think I am going to tell Paul about that one. We saw lightening on the way home. I didn't think it was supposed to rain but by the time I dropped my mom and sister off I stopped at taco bell and got home. I walked the trash out to the road came in and it started thundering real loud. We just had a little storm come thru. It was quite loud. Ok well it's still thundering a little.
I had Andrew last night. He's such a good boy for me. We went to the Lansing Mall to pick up my ring since I had to have it fixed, then we came home and watched MSU get beat. God I hate UofM. Then we went to dinner with Kellie and his parents. Then Kellie and I went to the Meridian Mall. I can't believe I went to mall's and didn't spend any money. Oh we got back here and Andrew was sitting on the floor and he burped and farted at the same time. It was sooooo funny. He had a bath then was off to bed.
Well that hubby of mine want's to go back to playing his game.