Feb 04, 2004 01:10
When I can do nothing else, I create
But you scoff at my drawings and prose.
You see things set in their ways,
And you don’t like the path I chose.
We all are slaves of repetition
Lynched by 4-years colleges and med. school
And when someone breaks from the pack
We rush to pull out the big book of rules.
And owning the newest big fashion fad
Is all that we discuss anymore,
No politics, no world events, no health matters
Anything important is just a bore.
I sometimes wonder about the fate of this world
Are we really doomed to hypocrisy and ignorance?
We love to recapitulate, “live in the moment”
Does anyone really care about our descendants?
When we’ve lost our oxygen, our water, our space
When we have only a dirt plot and pollution left
I wonder, will we think twice about how we live now
Or is it all about us, leave the rest.