Just my life

May 28, 2015 00:14

My mom has really stepped up while I'm at work she takes excellent care of my grandfather which makes me not worry myself sick. It's exactly like having a baby. But worse a sweet little baby doesn't have to hold his pride in whilst his daughter and grandchildren wipe his butt,bathe,lotion, powder and dress him. Honestly it's emotionally exhausting plus I walk on egg shells with word choices. When he left the hospital kn Jan,15 he was given 2 weeks to 2 months to live. It's almost June and he's doing fine. Is he tired? Of course it's terminal cancer I'm so thankful he is such a loving humble man of God who doesn't resent anyone.  Everyone keeps asking why not put him through chemo? Why? Because I'm  not going to selfishly place my 90 year old emaciated grandfather into radiation and chemo and leave him a full code to watch him get his ribs broken and a useless intubation. I'm not going to do that to him. To me it's selfish. I LOVE HIM ENOUGH to know that him being here in flesh is causing him significant pain. I love him with my entire being but I am a nurse. I KNOW what a code looks like. I'VE been the one to initiate CPR. It's brutal. And I don't think its fair to put him through that.
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