I really haven't been in the mood to post my usual fun links lately, but they're starting to go rotten and smell funny on my computer....
Maybe they'll give you a smile.
Random Oddities
Window SeatA series of 5 or 6 cartoons that take place on an airplane. Every one of them pretty clever.
Dark Knight: Kid's Edition!
Wizard magazine had too much time on their hands... O_o;; Come on! Hit me!
Japanese Beer for Kids
More shit that only would fly in Japan...and maybe Germany.
Simpsons Quake III Map
Speaking of too much time on their hands. I'd love to explore all the details.
Love In The Club (Performed by the Showbiz Pizza Band)What's scary, is that this is one of about 50 songs they put together.
Who's That Pokemon?
GOD DAMMIT!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!
Over 9,000 DJ Scratch PartyStrangly well done and you get to watch him actually scratch it out.
Star Wars vs. Rush Hour
Never touch Lando's radio, boy!
Lil Wayne Wins Academy AwardBest Supporting Actor for Alien vs. Predator.....yeah....
lol, Burn KnuckleIf you don't know the full story behind this joke,
then just be
thankful. Game Trailers
Dragonball DSLooks like lots of cut scenes and Zelda stylus controls....hmmm....I still want to play.
Naruto: Broken Bond (7 minutes of gameplay)Posting this just to show off some of the puzzle solving aspects of this game. Wow. O_o;;
Dai Gurren Dan: At Universe's EndTwo old flavors, mixed into a new and delicious taste sensation.
DragonBebop ZEarns my "WTF award", but well put together, so posting it anyway. Weird choice of music....
You're Already DeadOkay, not an AMV, but I loled.