Venture: "You need to get me out of here. I'm not alone, Brock."
Brock: "What? Who's with you?"
Venture: "I don't know! He just keeps saying, 'He's the firestarter!' Hold on, he's coming back. Sir!? *groan* Man, he's quick..."
Brock: "Well, ask HIM which way is out."
Venture: "I tried. He won't stand still for two seconds. He's probably spaced out on yellowjackets from the looks of him. I'M TRAPPED IN THE SEWER WITH A CONFESSED ARSONIST, BROCK! HELP ME!"
It's seriously been a while since I've laughed that hard. Lots of subtle and not so subtle music/comic book geekery this episode.
Go Team Venture. ^_^ v