Nov 24, 2005 10:52
since it is thanksgiving i decide i would doo i little "i am thankful for..." post soo here it goes....
`my family..
`my friends...
` the food i get to eat today
`the food i get to any day
`the fact i didnt go to school yestruday
`the girls nights inn
`those trips with the friends (marco island, delray and halloween horror nights)
`the fact that i am able exempt basically all my examss..soo i can...
`dr pepper
`having those pointless phone calls with a girl named linda
`christmas timee..
`orbit gum
`the fact that starbucks is open on thanksgiving and i am a little
`sales..idk the just making me happy wen i buy something for less
`going to the dolphins game even though they suck
`that i am gettin a new ipod for christmas i hope
`that i am having a relaxing thanksgiving at home
`flip flops
`boca mall
`going to the beach
`omg me gettin my braces off
`yeah i no there is alot more but i just cant think