A - Any Friend Of Yours: Sar
B - Best Friend: Don't know that I could name one...
C - Cries on your shoulder: Lindsay, though I haven't seen her in years.
D - Date-worthy Friend: ix-Nay on any omment-cay.
E - Excitable: Ruthie or Livi
F - Friend You Trust Most: Sar and/or Jay
G - Greatest Friend You Ever Had: Again, Sar and/or Jay.
H - Happiest Memory Friend: Sar. (My circle of friends is rather limited, it seems.)
I - Ice-cream-Eating Buddy: Sar. What a surprise!
J - "Just Friends" But You Want More: Same as 'D', but I don't want more now. Maybe someday.
K - Kicks The Most Butt: Cam
L - Last Friend You Lost: Ann-Marie
M - Most Helpful Friend: Eh, I don't know. Phil? At the moment, at least. (I'm just /using/ them all, don't you see. Muahaha.)
N - Name of Your First Best Friend: Ann-Marie
O - Oldest Friend: Sar
P - Prettiest Friend: Sar or Jay again. They're sisters, they look alike.
Q - Quoteable Friend: BJ
R - Richest: Uhm, I have no idea.
S - [Most] Successful Friend You Have: Same as 'R'.
T - Today, Your Favorite Friend is: Now that would just be prejudiced.
U - Ups and Downs, You Share Them With: Sar, Jay, BJ, Drew, Phil, Livi, Risi.
V - Very Entertaining Friend: That depends.
W - Worth The Most To You: Couldn't say. Don't know.
X - X-rated Jokes Are Made By: None of us. (Well, we don't admit it. Often.)
Y - You Pick A Random Friend: Risi
Z - Zebra-loving Friend: Well, I have a friend who likes penguins, does that count?
I don't know that many people read this, but because everyone else has done it -- comment with your name, I'll tell you what I think of you, straight out. (Not that it takes a meme -- I tend to do that in everyday conversation.)