it's just some ranting, but if you read it, let me know

Jun 25, 2006 03:07

every time something happens,
i am reminded
because i let everything happen
every day, something bad happens
days are like that
and everything that hurts me
everything, really
be it a physical thing
(like breaking a foot
or scratching an arm)
or a non-physical thing
(like a parents' divorce
or a college rejection letter)
oh, kids call me indestructable
sure i'll feel it, first
i have pain receptors
and i understand pain
but then i just say ok
got a speeding ticket yesterday
it ruined my plans to buy a camera
and enter into photography
it was a very terrible thing
but it was my fault and it happened
i let things happen
some might try to call that apathy
i should care and get depressed
sure i care a bit, but that's it
i know why they call it apathy
it sure looks like apathy
i seem to not really care
but every time something happens, now
i am reminded
because i let everything happen
and i get over everything
everything, but this one thing
this one thing lasts, now
i care about it, think about it
consider it, all the time
and why can't i get over it?
i was told to get over it
to let it be and move on
told that it was lost hope
told for years to move on
told for months to give up hope
i don't even know if i have hope anymore
but i care about it, always
think about it, forever
consider it, all the time
and why can't i get over it?
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