
Second day in London

May 10, 2010 20:20

I'm in London to follow a course for work. Arrived yesterday.

London, day 2:

First day of the Documentum course. There's some pretty interesting new stuff that I didn't  learn at my previous assignment. The people are nice and *gasp* the hardware and software have been prepared properly and work like a charm. I remember a different EMC course that didn't quite work that well, so I'm happily surprised!

I also learned how to hack english electrical outlets so they take european power cords. Thank you, girl at the reception who wishes to remain nameless ;).

I also will be visiting some friends who live in London. Looking forward to it!

I also managed to meet the Dutch owner of a convenience store, who spent 17 years in Amsterdam. :) How's that for coincidence?

Also, I'm statying in Brentford, which is just about as far as you can get from London without actually being in Wales. It's such a disjointed feel. There's lots of cars, but non are actually stopping _in_ Brentford. It gives me a little bit the Shaun of the Dead / Spaced feel of surroundings.

And now I shall watch some Blackpool and Doctor Who.
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