Back in the DE

Jun 30, 2005 03:18

Wathe title says, back in delaware for a coupl of days. then i'm goin to spend maybe five or six days up in philly. Been awhile since i've seen some of the hockey boys, and my old roomate love hanging wit him. Dont think it'll be cool wit mrs l to stay at kates lol. seein how she's in the doghouse for the stories she tells me. XB!!!!

lookin forward to meetin people too. her friends, they sound like nice people. I promise to behave, michelle. :P. i wont ravage all of them, including the boys..LIKE OH MY GOD! *tehee* ....o_o.....someone shoot me..NOW.

Eh, im tired..cause workin all day sucks. worst than my best buy job, and im a manager there! (while @ school tho)
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