Jun 26, 2005 15:39
I had the PGCE interview on thursday...I don't know how it went...the only hic is that I haven't been in a british school and have no firsthand classroom experience...I think they liked everything else about me, and how I responded to the questions and the fact that I'm French...for some reason I don't feel very optimistic, I can't really explain...if that doesn't work out I'll probably try to become an assistant for a year...but that means wasting a year...
Other than that I've got a long weekend, saturday sunday and monday...it's not such a reward in itself as my boss gave me these days off because when I'm back on tuesday that's when it's really busy!!! Nevermind I'm still enjoying it...
Jenny and I went to the restaurant on friday night...to "La Tasca" a spanish restaurant on the posh "Greek Street", it was really nice and the food was pretty good too...we had a really good time and talked a lot...especially about next year and the possibility of her staying here to do the last year of her degree...that has come as a bit of a shock as I expected her to go back to Spain...it's also sort of opened my eyes a bit more towards her and trying to look ahead...I'm really happy about this...the only thing is that I'm afraid she's only doing it for me...what happens if we break up? I don't think that will happen any time soon but you never know...I do think that I'll be more myself if she stays though...I won't hold back anymore...especially my feelings...I'll have to see!!!
Other than that some other friends left...Robert and Tyasha left on that same night...we came home as early as possible and spent some time with them...then we walked them to the bus stop...although we ended up calling a taxi because the bus never showed up...
Anyway I'm pretty nervous about the results...they should come at the end of next week or the week after...