I'm done with Fall 2008 Semester!
I'm looking at some of my friends blogs, and its about even between the "omgthesemestersucked" and "omfgirock" posts. For me, I think this semester was great. It was a true learning experience. I learned about academics, finances, love, my needs, my goals, and life and general.
If you recall an
entry I wrote at the beginning of the semester, I wrote:
"This semester is going to be horrible. I'm taking 18 units, all in a solid block on Mondays and Wednesdays.
I work from 9-5 on Teusdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. and from 9-12 on Saturdays in the beginning of the month.
I also work at LS tutoring still.
Which leaves time.... never? No time to hang out, no time to do school work, no time to do anything. Its going to be bad, i can tell."
Well, I should have been more confident in myself. Sure, I did not have as much time as I would like, by a long shot. Sure, I was having a very hard time at first. I did end up getting very sick at the beginning of the semester, and Michael swears it was because I was pushing myself too hard. I'll admit, I was pushing myself pretty hard; but "too hard"? I dont know. I ended up doing well in school. The semester yielded good grades, and many new learned skills. I did have less time to do things which I liked, but I learned something very valuble from that: Time Manamgement. I did my things on time, and I kept a schedule.
Also learned a lot about finances. I am actively trying to become more and more financially independent, which is hard, but imparitive.
I fell more in love with my major. Psychology is definately the thing for me. The field better watch out.
I realized something very important. I actually enjoy school and studying. (GASP! omg!) I spent a vast, vast majority of the past 16 weeks studying, in school, and reviewing my class concepts in my head. At times, it was frustrating, but you know what? I wouldnt trade it. I actually don't mind studying as much as I let people believe. I love learning new information. This is imperitive for the rest of my life. I am so happy to have learned this.
I AM retaining information. This is also imperitive, because one of the main reasons why i switched from a music major is because i felt like i wasnt improving and I wasnt retaining information well. With this, I can feel improvement, and i feel like if i spend time learning something, I will remember it, and it wont just slip through my fingers (literally) the next day.
I also gained a lot of perspective. I met this girl on my first day of class (Hi Erica! You will probably never read this!), and she and I became pretty good friends. Her life is hard. Much harder than mine, and my lame problems. Having heard about her problems, it made me seem kind of like a petty little winer. Not that she complains. Her attitude is awesome. You would never about her life unless she told you. I honestly think she can do anything she wants. She has determination, motivation, she is smart, quick, and gorgeous.
Note to self: find more inspirational people.