Apr 29, 2008 09:20
It's all spring break's fault.
Before spring break, I was an excellent student. I was reading what i was supposed to in my textbooks, getting 99% and 100%s on my midterms, and attending class on a regular basis. It was a great semester. Unfortunately, the relaxation of spring break did something to my head.
After spring break, I somehow transformed myself into a slacking, can-you-send-me-the-notes-ing, fake-death-in-the-family-ing, sick-excusing, mangy college student. Now, instead of ridiculously high A's on mideterms, I am forgetting that i have midterms. I missed more than 3 weeks of class for some classes, and i have 3 very late papers, one due 3 weeks ago, when i first started failing at school, that i still havn't written.
For some reason, I simply CAN'T wake up to my alarms. I wake up an hour after i was supposed to turn it off, and i find my phone (which serves as my alarm clock) in a different spot than when I fell asleep. This means that I MUST have grabbed it when the alarm went off, turned it off, and then fallen back asleep. However, I don't remember waking up and doing this at all. Sometimes i doubt that my alarms even go off. This belief will end in me testing my alarm at sometime when I know that i will be awake. They go off every time. You might think "Joanna. C'mon. A simple solution to this problem is to just set like, a bazillion alarms." Well, my friend, i regret to inform you that I set six alarms. Thats as many alarms as my phone will allow me to have. I don't know how i can possibly sleep through all of this. I used to wake up to my alarms like a responsible person.
Okay, okay. Maybe I'm being a bit harsh. Maybe it isn't spring break's fault. If, in fact, the defendant "Spring Break" is innocent, i know the culprit. It is my dirty-rotten-no-good Abnormal Psychology Class's fault. I'll tell you why. In this class, we had a paper due the day we got back from spring break. Pretty low, right? Right. (On a sidenote, if I was a professor, I would never assign a paper that was due on the first day back, or even the first week back, for that matter, from a break. Thats just uncalled for) This paper doesn't sound bad in theory. It was a 5 page research paper. Pretty standard. But here is why this paper lead to my demise.
(WARNING: The following paragraph might bore you. All that you really need to know is the last 4 sentences, marked by the sentence in all caps)
This paper was on Gender Identity Disorder, and Sexual dysfunctions. Sort of a broad topic. The first, Gender Identity Disorder, is also known as Transsexualism, which is sort of a controversial topic. We had to write about everything about the "disorder": symptoms and diagnosis, treatment and cure, how it develops, therapies and treatments, etiology (different psychological theories of causation, or explanation) cultural factors, and history and past research of the "disorder". I say "disorder" in quotations cuz I'm not entirely sure if i view transsexualism as a disorder in the first place. We also had to do all of the above topics about 8 sexual dysfunctions. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO FIT ALL THIS INFORMATION IN A 5 PAGE PAPER? No one knows. Surely, I didn't. Theres so much material.
I didn't do this paper on time, because I couldn't stop doing research. If you think about it, theres a lot of research needed to go into this. I never felt like i had enough material to write the paper.
Then, the next class came along. I also spent all night trying to write the paper, but i couldn't cuz it seemed so inefficient relative to all the material at hand.
The next class came along. Same thing. And so on and so on.
Then, I had a paper due in Research Methods. I didn't write this paper cuz i was so preoccupied with my Abnormal Psych paper. Then a paper in Antrho came along, which i didn't write because i was so preoccupied with my Abnormal Psych AND my Research Methods paper.
And here I am, cracking under all the pressure. Its hard coming up with more excuses. I can't show my face in so many of my classes. I'm missing material. I'm lying to my professors. am not reading my texts cuz i am researching for all of my papers. I don't know what to do. I am so behind I can't breathe. I can't seem to get anything done.
Its all Spring Break's fault. Or my Abnormal Psych paper's fault.
But it's definitely not mine. I was sick that day.