Another new year and Yom Kippur have come and gone. I had a terrible fast this year, for no clear reason ('Can I eat now? ...Okay, can I eat NOW?) But I made it. And then there was
Mad Mex, and it was goooood.
Had Abberant on Tuesday and that was lots of fun. My poor little character, how I abused her so. ::pets:: That's what I get for saying "I wonder what'll happen if I try to give her another point of Taint. In Mendel's game, she gets THREE. And she's a 10-year-old. BAHAHAHAHAHA.... I think I'm going to go easy on her for a bit. Maybe. We'll see. Poor kid.
It's starting to get cold outside. Fucking weather gods. I don't have a "kinda cold outside" coat, just my Bring It On coat. However, Land's End has fleece garments at reasonable prices, so we shall see.