Jun 08, 2010 14:43
I hate, hate that the world is such that I have to stop and evaluate situations before trying to do something decent.
Saw a "beggar" today, on the way home from the Farmer's Market. A woman with a dog (a well-fed dog), and a cardboard sign: "Just passin' thru: Outta luck and HUNGRY. Plz spare some cash. God bless!!!"
Naturally, my gut's immeadiate reaction was "OMG POOR PUPPYYYYY" (which is, I'm sure, the intended effect) but something seemed off, so I doubled back when it was safe and gave her a closer look.
Scam scam scam scam.
1- Woman and dog are both well-fed. Dog is on not just a leash but a harness. Not brand new, but not threadbare, either.
2- Woman's shoes are sturdy.
3- Woman has a relatively new rucksack.
4- Woman has dreads that are well cared for.
5- Woman has at one point had enough dough to have almost a full sleeve tattooed on her arm
6- If they're "Just passin' thru" what the hell are they doing near the Wal-Mart on North Atherton St? Why aren't they near the bus station? Why aren't they down town?
7- That sign is way too wordy. Matter of fact, NONE of the legit homeless people in this town carry signs. They don't even beg, for that matter.
Fucking hell.
And OF COURSE there is the part of me that's afraid that when I die G-d's going to say "You're going to Hell. Remember that woman and her dog you ignored when you were 28 and living comfortably? Remember them? HMMM?"