I smell of fish

Sep 27, 2008 22:12

My Rosh Hashannah shindig is tomorrow evening (because I'm the only Jew in attendance, and having the party on Monday would be just damned inconvenient for my guests and G-d said it was okay), and I've just finished pureeing haddock in the food processor.

Please don't feel bad if I didn't invite you; it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with how many plates I own.

This year's menu is... eclectic. I've selected items from two great culinary bodisvattas- Joan Nathan and Nigella Lawson. And there will be no apples and honey (mostly because they never get eaten when I do serve them...) In their place I will be offering rather potent apple cocktails (I refuse to call them 'appletinis' because a martini is gin and vermouth, goddammit) and apple spritzer things for those who don't drink. Given that I am not currently on fire from a lightening strike, I think the universe has better things to be concerned about than my menu, da? Right. The menu:

Union Sqare Cafe spiced nuts
Gefilte fish patties, served cold with beet-y horseradish (trust the Nigella)
Lamb tagine with prunes
delicious mash of sweet and white potatoes (with a few baked russets available for those who don't care for sweet potatoes)
carrot kugel
cranberry apple sauce
honey cake (courtesy of ragnvaeig )
my Nana's cherry pie (courtesy of Nana, natch.)

And now I'm off to fry fish patties at 11pm.

jewish stuff, food, party

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