(no subject)

Oct 26, 2006 11:18

I think I managed that exam pretty well. If anything does me in it's going to be prepositional case endings and spelling. zuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh ::flat-lines::

However, Prof Ivantis traded me my graded Folklore exam for the Section 3 exam.

I want to do lots of baking this weekend, and I'd like to do some dyeing, too. I've been saving onion skins (not sure I have enough, though...), and today I'd like to go to the park to collect acorn hulls. I'll be winging it, of course. At least I've got 2 cast-iron pans so I won't have to fuss with mordants.
I should probably also get cracking on the other Xmas knitting I have to do.

Lessee, what else? D&D on Saturday (I hope) and there's doing to be Delta Green on Tuesday! eeeeeeee!

I'm going to see about getting some food now.


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