A nice weekend, methinks. There was much consumption of Asian food, and much seeing friends.
Last night was hibachi for
midnightranter's birthday, followed by ice cream. num num.
School starts tomorrow... I am excited and nervous. Mostly excited.
I was thinking the other day of beginning to carry cigs with me, in case I decide I want to have a smoke between classes. But with my luck, I'd light up AND MY DAD WOULD SHOW UP. Even if I lit up... oh, I don't know. Say... where the nude models for the figure drawing class go to change. Yes, my father is that serendipitous. And he probably knows someone in the Fine Arts department. Because my father knows everybody. You know that Boondock Saints quote: "I can't go out for a pack of smokes without running into nine guys you've fucked"? I can't walk across campus without running into like 15 people my dad knows.
And I don't mean to imply that I let my father govern my bad habits (if you can call 4-5 cigs a week at most a habit...), I just don't feel like having a patented My Dad lecture.