Aug 22, 2005 23:07
I realize the last entry left alot of blanks open, and I'll attempt to fill them for ya(Judy lol).
Today started off great:
Woke up and felt *very* feminine and girlish, so I straightend my hair and put on the skirt(haha "OMG you're covered today!" XP) hoping to feel pretty and catch attention from a certain someone.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell, that was all in vein lol. The only complement I got was from Corey which made me a little bit more happy. ^^ But I think the day went to rot around 4th....we had a sub so we started to watch this one movie w/John Travolta in it. Usually I would melt in my seat at a Travolta movie, but we watched it last year in Psych 1 and it was I tried to get some sleep. Only, I couldn't! My leg would fall asleep, or my hand would, so I ended up having to stay up and watch it. Bleh. Then at Drill practice, it seemed I couldn't keep my mind on straight. I felt so distracted and just I couldn't do anything right. But I kept my smile on when the "camera's were rolling." Then I got home and BAM! My mom yells at me, I get rejected, and hear a certain song that cues memories from the past. All in one day! whoo! >_O Heh...but it's okay though...the past is gone...but the whole Chelsea thing still bothers me. And then we have the manners here in P'cola. Bah, I wish I was watching Thundercats with you and Terry...I really need to get out and clear my mind. But, you guys did cheer me up! I would update this in myspace, but really you and about 2 other people are the only one's who read my LJ and basically I'm talking to you my Fanbooty(lol). That and you, Josh, and Terry are the only one's who've really seen me at my worst so yeah, this is like a molehill compared to a mountain. ^^;;; But I still can't help but feel sad...I think something's broken. I've been doing this too much lately...way too much. Sorry you had to hear me bitch guys! I promise the next entry will be something more uplifting....more than that sermon Culley read today in 3rd. Heh. Yeeeeeeeeeeah...the fiery pit awaits me lol. Love yah(and gimme a call after you read this ok?) and remember: RIDE THE WAVE!!! =D
Love your Mexican (Chalupa Style!) ^_-