Sep 21, 2010 15:59
1. WTF are we doing at the END OF SEPTEMBER without a NDAA passed? Do I get to go most of the year without budgeting? No, I don't. So why does Congress?
2. DADT is, at its heart, not an NDAA issue. It's a social issue, and deserves to be considered on its own. Both sides deserve the right to discussion and debate.
3. Why the fuck would you include something like DADT in a cloture-eligible vote? Seriously? I'm glad the Democrats got the beat down on this one.
4. McCain is hilarious. I am pretty sure every time he interrupted Durbin to say "Will my friend yield for a question?" Durbin wanted to scream "I'M NOT YOUR BUDDY, GUY!"
5. Did Bauchus really just spend all his time telling some old dude Happy Birthday?
6. Boxer claims 14,000 people booted from the military with approximately half a billion dollars spent to replace those soldiers. I want to see where she got that figure (though it doesn't surprise me even a little).
7. Is the lack of NDAA passage is going to DOUBLY screw over those secretly gay people deployed right now?
8. I bet all those people who yielded to Barbara Boxer are really regretting it now. "Blah, blah, blah and my SIXTH last point is..."
9. "How many times have we had a bill as big as the NDAA, $700 billion, and not had the opportunity to debate it?" I kind of love you,
10. McCain just said "why can't we just vote?" Isn't that...exactly the opposite of what you were saying an hour ago? *blink*
11. "Our friend from New Hampshire, Who won't be with us in January,"
"I just physically won't be present!"
"Right. I'm not saying you'd be dead or anything"
*McCain crosses fingers*
And I'm checking out. Whatever.