Stephen King Pet Sematary book review

Mar 15, 2012 17:27

As with all the Stephen King I've read, I enjoyed this immensely. The supernatural element was very over done; not over stated but rather left to your imagination, so you decide how much of the disaster was due to coincidence or wether it was inevitable right from the start. I don't want to give too much away (and I'm still terrible at this so it's going to be short) because I think anyone reading this who hasn't read Pet Sematary (misspelling intentional, by the way) should read it. The horror's not too explicit so you don't need to worry about that. It's just a gripping, easy to read story with some great twists.

In terms of foreshadowing, I think King is a bit of a master. I like my foreshadowing to be obvious as soon as I read the bit that was being foreshadowed and Pet Sematary definitely has this. And I did know what was going to happen, to an extent, fairly early on, and I think I wouldn't liked to be in the dark for a little bit longer, but that might just be me. And anyway, the description is so excellent it was still a very enjoyable read. And I definitely was not expecting the ending at all.

So yes, go read. I hope you will not be disappointed.

I will have another review before the end of the month, assuming I actually finish reading the book by then. I cannot work out why it's taking me so long.

day zero, review one book a month

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