Aug 09, 2007 15:08
In the summer I have had I have learned:
1. Try to not to say that things you don't want to hear yourself.
2. Go slow. I don't have to do anything I don't want to. I shouldn't feel bad if I don't want show someone me in lingerie.
3. Be myself.
4. Not to get offended at others when they are in a bad mood, since it most likely has absolutely nothing to do with me.
5. I'm allowed to like things but people are allowed to disagree. I understand people are concerned about me.
6. Teasing others is wrong because I know I will never give it out to just anyone.
7. Trying to figure out the answer before needing ask someone else.
Take advice. Or at least be nice when advice is given.
Speak up when I'm uncomfortable, since the only thing they can do is be angry.
Control my temper more.
Be happy.